Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Brussels Spouts, Butternut Squash, and Caramlized Onion Salad with Dried Cherries and Walnuts

I started working from home one day a week.  I did it the first time this week.  It was nice.  I got to sleep in a little bit more because I didn't have to commute.  

I did some laundry and prepared my lunch in my own kitchen instead of carrying little Tupperware containers full of food to work to heat up in the microwave.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Apple, Pecan, and Raisin Pancakes

My sister and nephew visited Boston last weekend, and I flew up to see them.  It was a wonderful trip.  They are the best of company.  I always enjoy spending time with my family, and it was fun making memories with them while exploring new places.

My sister is very adventurous.  She emailed me some fantastic ideas for things to do in Boston before the trip.  We didn't accomplish everything we wanted, but I was very pleased with everything we did.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Smoked Salmon and Egg Sandwich

I went to Iceland a few weeks ago.  I ate lamb, black licorice, a rhubarb cake, and a couple of smoked salmon sandwich with thinly sliced eggs.  I ate the first sandwich for lunch and enjoyed it so much that I ate another for dinner.

What do you know about Iceland?  A friend who traveled with me said the entire country only has a little over 300,000 people.  The language, Icelandic, is derived from old Norse.  Everyone I encountered spoke perfect English.  It was impressive.  

Monday, October 19, 2015

Peanut Butter Cup Filled Peanut Butter Cookies

I went to New Orleans a little over a week ago.  It was delightful.  The food was delicious.  The architecture was beautiful.  

I rode a steam boat, went on a haunted tour of the French quarter, and walked for miles and miles, among other things.  I ate lots of delicious food but never ate a beignet.  I kept planning to, but time slipped out of my hands.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Jamaican Lentil Stew with Coconut

I achieved a feat of endurance last night.  In the span of a couple of hours, I ate four brownies and about a third of a cup of jelly beans.  I did this after eating dinner.

My belly was about to burst, and the thought of putting something in my mouth and chewing maked me ill.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Carrot Banana Muffins

I made these tender and delectable muffins last week.  They are packed full raisin, pecans, and sweetened coconut.  

I think pecans are my favorite nut.  They are native to Mexico and the southeastern United States.  Pecan is an Algonquin word meaning nut with a firm shell.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Sichuan Shrimp

Sichuan is province in southwestern China.  Their food uses garlic, chile peppers, and Sichuan peppers.  The food is often hot and spicy.

Sichuan has an abundance of foods.  One city in Sichuan province, Chendgu, was declared a city of gastronomy by UNESCO.  I'd never heard of that honor before, but it sounds legitimate and good.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls

Wikipedia states that Sweden is presumed to be the birthplace of the cinnamon roll.  The Swedish name is kanelbulle, which means cinnamon bun.

Through Wikipedia, I also learned that October fourth is promoted as cinnamon roll day in Sweden.  Swedish cinnamon rolls have cardamon, which gives then a unique taste.  It sounds fantastic.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Chocolate and Peanut Butter Chip Cookies Stuffed with Peanut Butter Cups

Yesterday I had brunch at a quaint and adorable inn.  I have become someone who goes to brunch.  It seems like a sophisticated thing to do.

I believed I caved into peer pressure because everyone in the Washington DC metropolitan area does brunch.  My one complaint with brunch is I'm always ravenous.  I don't eat any breakfast when I brunch, and by 10 or 11 I'm famished. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Chocolate Blueberry Pancakes

I just got back from Iceland last night.  I saw beautiful things, enjoyed good company, and ate delicious food.  Overall, it was a marvelous trip.

I was amazed by the variety in the landscape.  There were craters, lava fields, black beaches, lush, green scenery, rivers, waterfalls, and craters.