Friday, September 19, 2014

Vegetable Panang Curry

I am on a panang curry roll.  I have made panang curry with shrimp and panang curry with chicken.  I bought a jar of panang curry paste, and I didn't know what to do with it other than make curry.

This has been my favorite of the three.  I added a few extra spices, and the ratio between the vegetables and sauce was perfect.  With the shrimp and chicken versions, there was way too much sauce.  

Curry is the best quick meal you can make.  It requires only one pan and requires less than 30 minutes of cooking.  It simple but flavorful.  

I used the same panang curry recipe as before.  Besides switching the chicken for a variety of vegetables, I added shallots, ginger, garlic, and basil.  I used dried basil, which is totally unauthentic.

The ingredients I used are 5 tablespoons panang curry paste, 2 tablespoons cooking oil, 4 cups coconut milk, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, 2 tablespoons fish sauce, lime zest and juice, 2 shallots, 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger, 1 garlic clove, 1 teaspoon dried basil, 2 sweet potatoes, 1 1/2 cups carrots,  1 head cauliflower, and 1 pound firm tofu.  

I added the oil and shallots to a skillet on medium heat.  I cooked the shallots for a couple of minutes.

I added the curry paste, ginger, garlic, and basil.  I cooked this while stirring for a few minutes.  The curry paste became fragrant.

I added the coconut milk and stirred until the curry paste was dissolved.  I brought the sauce up to a simmer.

I added the sweet potatoes and carrots.  I cooked the vegetables for ten minutes.

I added the cauliflower and cooked the vegetables for another 5 minutes.

After fifteen minutes, I added brown sugar, fish sauce, and the zest and juice of the lime.

I added the firm tofu and stirred it into the curry.

Any kind of panang curry is delicious.  It's spicy and creamy with the coconut milk.  It has many rich and exotic flavors.

This was my favorite version because it was packed full of several types of vegetables and tofu.  Each bite was a little different from the last.  This was a savory and fragrant treat.  I'll definitely make this dish again.

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